ab sofort, Festanstellung in Vollzeit - Standort Bielefeld
Verkäufer*in im Textileinzelhandel (m/w/d)
- In einem kleinen Team beraten Sie auf unserem 500 m²
großen Store unsere Kunden stilsicher und freundlich - Sie verfügen über ein gepflegtes Erscheinungsbild, haben ein freundliches Wesen, sind aufgeschlossen und können stilsicher beraten.
- Dekoration und Gestaltung unseres Stores sind ebenso zentrale
Aufgaben, wie Einkauf und Warenauszeichnung und -management.
from now on, permanent full-time position - Werther location
Junior Product Manager*in (m/f/d)
- Accompanying the entire product development process
- Trend research and analysis, including visits to relevant trade fairs
- Creating a collection framework plan
- Co-design of the collection concept
- Support of sample part development and production releases
from now on, permanent full-time position - Werther location
Junior Content Manager*in (m/f/d)
- Creation of content strategies on-site and off-site, especially on social media, newsletters and relevant media
- Creation of video and image content as well as smaller graphic tasks
- Collaboration with our online agency for a 360 degree insight into the growth strategy of the online channel
from now on, permanent position in full or part time - location Werther
Employee in internal sales (m/f/d)
- In a small team, you will be a central contact for our national and international business customers and will advise and support them by telephone
- Recording and processing of customer inquiries and orders
- Close cooperation with our international sales representatives and internal sales management
- Entering and maintaining article and customer master data in the ERP system
from now on, permanent position in full or part time - location Werther
Clerk in merchandise management (m/f/d)
- Everything has to go through you: You are responsible for the reliable processing of goods receipt, quality control, order picking and shipping.
- You carefully maintain our inventory, are responsible for the monthly inventory closing and the annual inventory and are the central contact person for our accounting department
- Maintaining our ERP system and the associated master data is part of our daily tasks
We look forward to receiving your application!
Please send us your application documents by email to karriere@wellington-of-bilmore.de